Tech Journeys: Oleksandr Chakalov, Big Data Engineer

In our ongoing Tech Journeys series, we explore the diverse career paths of N-iX employees. Today’s spotlight is on Oleksandr Chakalov, a Big Data Engineer who turned his passion for sports into a relentless pursuit of excellence in the tech world. Discover his take on the challenges facing Big Data and how he balances his professional and personal life.

1. Tell us a little about yourself: Where are you from, what is your education, and what is your professional background?

My name is Oleksandr Chakalov, I’m 26 years old, and I was born and raised in Lviv. My path into IT was far from conventional. I’ve never been one to take the easy route, so after school, I enrolled in the Lviv State University of Physical Culture and Sports. At that point, I had been playing badminton professionally for 8-9 years, earned the title of Master of Sports of Ukraine, and intended to stay in sports for as long as I could.

However, during my studies, I began to realize that the career prospects in my chosen field were limited. That’s when I started considering a switch to IT. It wasn’t my first time thinking about IT — I had entertained similar thoughts and even made a few attempts before. So, I decided to pursue two master’s degrees simultaneously — one in sports and another in management.

I transitioned into IT on my own, without a formal background in the field. I researched on my own, took various courses, and explored many different paths. One of the courses I completed was with a large Ukrainian company, after which I began attending interviews. That’s how I landed my first job offer, and from that point, everything started falling into place.

The lesson is simple: you can achieve anything if you stay committed to your goal and surround yourself with the right people who support you along the way.

2. What do you like most about working at N-iX?

In a word, it’s the people. To expand on that — it’s the amazing, talented people. From my first day, I’ve been surrounded by colleagues who constantly inspire me to grow and improve. What I love about N-iX is the abundance of opportunities for personal and professional development. Whether it’s working with a mentor, learning new skills, switching between projects, or even transitioning to a different field within the company, the possibilities are endless.

Another aspect worth mentioning is N-iX’s stance on the war in Ukraine. The company has a strong pro-Ukrainian spirit and is deeply committed to supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine, regularly donating substantial amounts raised through charity streams. In this regard, N-iX truly excels.

3. How do you learn new technologies or tools? Do you have any favorite news resources?

I consider myself a goal-oriented and highly driven person who loves achieving results. If I decide to learn something new or earn a certification, I will put in the effort and reach my goal. I firmly believe that the key to learning anything is desire and motivation, as they are the driving forces regardless of profession or age. As for resources, there are plenty of free and paid options available today that make the learning process much easier. Resources depend on the areas you want to evolve. For instance, if you are interested in cloud technologies (such as AWS certifications) or other popular tools, providers typically offer free documentation or basic courses to help you familiarize yourself with their products. On the other hand, if you aim to learn programming languages, I recommend solving practical tasks as soon as possible. Platforms like and are excellent for this purpose. The important thing is to find what works best for you — whether it’s theoretical material, video courses, or hands-on practice.

4. What do you think was a game-changer in the tech world over the past year?

Most would agree that one of the biggest technological breakthroughs in recent years has been LLMs like ChatGPT, Gemini, and their counterparts. I’m convinced we’ve only just begun to see what AI will be capable of in the future. Will it become the ultimate assistant or eventually replace us? No spoilers — let’s wait and find out in the next five years.

5. What do you think will be the biggest challenge for Big Data engineers in the next 5 years?

I already touched on this in my previous response. AI chatbots like ChatGPT can certainly streamline the development process across various stages of a product’s lifecycle, but they also present a potential threat to the profession in the long term. This is particularly true for entry-level developers, as AI will likely handle their tasks more quickly and efficiently.

While I don’t believe AI will completely replace programmers, those who fail to adapt and leverage these tools to their advantage risk losing their competitive edge in the job market — and possibly even their jobs.

6. What soft skills do you consider your strongest? How have they helped you succeed at work?

It’s quite difficult to single out just one specific soft skill, as they usually come as a set. However, in today’s fast-changing world, I would highlight adaptability and teamwork. The world is constantly evolving, and we need to evolve with it, or we risk being left behind. Adapting becomes much easier when you’re surrounded by a team of like-minded individuals with whom you can collaborate effectively to achieve a common goal.

Don’t forget, soft skills are incredibly important both in IT and beyond. The ability to present yourself and your achievements is an invaluable skill. Keep learning, growing, and don’t hesitate to share your successes.

7. How do you usually spend your time after work to relax or recharge?

There’s no magic solution, but I’ve recently found my escape in running. Over the past 2-3 years, I’ve ramped up my mileage, joined both running and trail-running communities, and it’s been a whirlwind since: training sessions, races, marathons, even ultramarathons in the mountains. It’s challenging, but the sense of freedom is unparalleled. Picture this: it’s nighttime, the stars and moon light the sky, and you’re navigating the rugged Carpathians with a headlamp, trekking poles, and a backpack of essentials, pushing to reach the summit by sunrise. Not a soul in sight for miles, just a handful of like-minded adventurers who started this journey with you. It’s an indescribable feeling. They say you can’t outrun your problems, but I’d argue — it depends on how fast you run.

8. If you could spend one day with any famous person from history or the present, who would it be and why?

That’s a tough question. I don’t really have a hero or idol that I admire who I couldn’t meet within Ukraine. But if I allow myself to dream a little, it would be fascinating to meet someone extraordinary, someone who can shift the stock and crypto markets with just a post on X, whose actions often raise eyebrows, and whose tweets sometimes make you question his sanity. Of course, I’m talking about Elon Musk. I’d be intrigued to understand what drives his decision-making, what inspired him to create some of his most successful ventures, and how his mind works (or at times — why it doesn’t). And of course, I’d love the chance to challenge his views on russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

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