N-iX named among top employers in EY Best Employer Survey 2023

N-iX has been named among the top 10 best employers in Ukraine by professionals, according to the EY Best Employer Survey 2023. The company has achieved top rankings not only in the integrated ranking among all companies but also in IT industry rankings based on professional candidates’ opinion.

The survey, conducted from October to December 2023 through a comprehensive database of contacts, partners, and social networks, involved about 550 students and more than 1800 candidates with work experience. The most represented regions were Kyiv and Lviv.

The research highlights several key trends affecting employer branding in the past year. Over half of the companies reported employee relocation (56%) and changing priorities of job seekers (54%) as the main challenges. There’s a notable increase in employers boosting their branding budgets (11% this year, up from 2% last year), although the majority (55%) maintain unchanged budgets.

In response to these challenges, companies focused on several initiatives:

  • Taking care of employees (88%)
  • Increasing employee engagement/loyalty (62%)
  • Supporting the Armed Forces/volunteering (60%)

IT and FMCG continue to be preferred industries for both experienced professionals and students. This trend is likely influenced by the sectors’ positive corporate cultures and the increasing demand for remote work and flexible schedules — preferences that have been accentuated following the COVID-19 pandemic and amid ongoing war conditions, as frequently noted by job seekers interested in these industries.

For more insights, refer to the full EY Best Employer Survey 2023 press release.

N-iX has consistently ranked among the top IT employers in numerous surveys. In 2023, the company was recognized in the top 5 IT employers according to a DOU study. Additionally, Forbes Ukraine highlighted N-iX as one of the best IT employers in 2022, reinforcing its status as a premier workplace in the tech sector.

Join N-iX and build your career with a dependable employer — explore our diverse job openings!

About EY

EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction, and advisory services. EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.

For more information about our organization, please visit ey.com.

EY conducts the Best Employer Survey in Ukraine since 2005. The main goal of the survey is to analyze the labor market attractiveness of the companies, define preferences of the candidates while choosing a workplace and provide recommendations on employer brand management.

About N-iX

N-iX is a European software development service company that helps businesses across the globe expand their engineering capabilities and develop successful software products. Founded in 2002, N-iX has formed strategic partnerships with a variety of global industry leaders and Fortune 500 companies, including OpenText, Fluke Corporation, Currencycloud, TuneIn, and many others. With more than 1,800 professionals, N-iX offers expert solutions in software engineering, cloud-native services, data analytics, embedded software, IoT, machine learning, and other tech domains covering a wide variety of sectors, including finance, manufacturing, telecom, supply chain, and others.